Ropes & Fun 1

Here is the format
Jump 1 - min - 2 min - 3 min - 4 min - 3 min - 2min - 1 min
In between your rope intervals 1-3 complete exercises listed in SET A
In between your rope intervals 4-1 complete exercises listed in SET B
SET A - 12 Reps per exercise per side
1. Figure 8 into a rear stepping lunge with torso rotation
2. Kettle Bell Swing into upright row into jump squat (Jump without weight/dumbell can be used as KB alternative)
3. High Knees 4 with 360 degree rotational jump
1. Alternating renegade side planks ( Use weight when opening arm to ceiling)
2. Overhead tricep extension in figure 4 squat
3. Front kick, side kick, kneel down down up up then begin other side