Day 17 of Merry Motivation

Are you busy? Just a bit? I know the feeling well. Today's Merry Motivation is a quick productivity tip. Do you ever find yourself in and overwhelmed state of paralysis or just a slugish slump?
Here is the perfect tip to snap you out of it.
What You Will Need
Your Timer
3 Small goals
Maybe a little music
The idea here is to put your goals to the timer. Set your timer for just shy of the amount of time that you think it will take you to complete the goal. For this exercise it's best if you choose short managable goals. 5 - 15 minute increments work best. You can do 30 minute intervals if it works for you. I wouldn't go longer than that as the longer the interval the more likley it is to lose the vigor. For example. I like to pick up the house first thing in the morning, but I find that sometimes I'm slow moving and it might take me longer than necessary. I use this productivity tip often to help me keep the pep in my step and get things done more effeciently. Here is how it goes. I set my timer for 5 minutes. I will spend 5 turbo minutes cleaning each room and I'm usually able to accomplish more in half the time. It doesn't work for everything. I wouldn't recommend the technique for making important decisions or keeping important records, but it is great for those things that need to get done that we have a tough time mustering up the energy for.