Today I have a lesson from a client that has stuck with me for years. A simple sentence that I heard regularly during the holiday seasons over my years working with my wonderful lunchtime ladies during my years in NY. It went lovingly with a hint of bluntness. Ok, maybe the reverse. She would say "Come on people, it is only 1 day! , seriously, the holiday is just 1 day". Her point was that even though we make a "season" out of it, most holidays through the year are only one day and if we treat it that way, it really shouldn't throw us into a frenzy or a weight gain spiral. Easier said than done, I know. This simple statement has helped me over the years and maybe it will help you. It just makes too much sense to ignore when the temptation is in full force. It always seems to pop in my head at just the right time. Enjoy!