Healthy Lifestyles For Women Who Want it All
Flourishing at Home and in Leadership While Honoring Their Changing bodies

Clean Cut Core 30 Day Challenge

You've Got This...You might not believe it yet, but you will!

This is not just another blank square, it's a symbol of perseverance.

I can't decide if you are a rockstar or if those abs are just rock hard?

For every time you say yes when your body say an unwarranted no, you grow strength in body, mind and of character.

In the beginning it might feel like it's you against them, but in the end it's really only ever you facing yourself at it's best, its worst, its strongest and weakest moments...Your redefining moments.

I see you crushing your toughest goals and so much more!

Atta Boy! Atta Girl!

7 days down, 8 is not just another day. It's another opportunity to use your intelligently designed body to its a fullest potential.

You don't have to workout today...you get to workout today. Reframe your thinking, reframe your life!

You give a 10 out of 10 most days...what do you plan to give today? Silly Question.

If you have ever wondered what core heaven feels like...this is it.

On the 12th day of Clean Cut Core my abdominals said to me.... Finish this sentence on the white board or in the FB group.

You are more than a conquerer.

Today's failure is tomorrows victory unless you give that failure authority to hold your future hostage.

You are 1/2 way today! Congratulations on this milestone workout!

Science Says, self confidence comes from the BELIEF that you can overcome difficult challenges. (ref: The Confidence Code) Fuel Your Faith Muscle.

What excuse, limiting belief or time sucker will you eliminate today?

You are always good enough to do your personal best.

Don't mistake short and simple for easy. You can make any basic exercise work for you by focusing on your quality of movement.

Sometimes Less is More. Remember your recovery routine. It's a good day for booking that massage!

Just a reminder : The definition of perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

People like you live out their dreams rather than not take action on what is brewing inside. I can tell.

You are Getting Stronger Every Day...I think you are kind of liking the mirror these days too.


25 Days Down...5 to Go! You are almost there!

Did you know gratitude is linked with greater happiness? Happier people exercise more and round and round we go in good health! (Harvard Health). What are you grateful for today?

Breathe Easy...It's the final countdown. 3...2...1

I am not surprised at your commitment. This is how you do everything. Keep that fire in your belly going in and out of the gym!

Sub this workout anytime you are traveling or don't have access to the gym.

Stretch and recovery! You have earned this! Sprinkle this routine in as needed. 1 - 2 times per week as your body calls for.

Check in here to stay accountable to your goal!

Feel free to join me here in the Facebook Group I created for this challenge. Here you can ask questions, see side note demonstrations, get recipe ideas and motivate each other.