Healthy Lifestyles For Women Who Want it All
Flourishing at Home and in Leadership While Honoring Their Changing bodies

Truth Transformation Prerequisite
A dose of De Souza's straight talk helps you unearth your own secrets and truths that will ignite the wellthy woman you are. This module is the change agent where you once and for all dig to the deepest part of you to reveal, heal and learn from the things that have until now been paralyzing you, in turn keeping you from reaching your heights. In all my years of coaching, my experience has taught me that getting clear in this process is one of the most important success markers. Because it has proven to be such a game changer for my clients The You Module is an absolute prerequisite to working with me one on one, in a small group, workshop or even DIY style through my online program options. If you are considering one of my other programs to follow the You Module, you will notice the You Module included as a bonus.

Creating the Body and Life You Crave!
12 WEEKS TO BOSS is what you need hands down to remind yourself who is the boss of your life. In this 12 week challenge you will not only get in the best shape of your life, but clear your every day blocks to finally get the results you are looking for. It's a program where hard work pays off beyond how your clothes fit with its unique approach of no nonsense, yet sensitive growth approach within the complex layers of our being. You already have what it takes, it's just a matter of revelation.